Health Projects Track Record
CHIEF received grants and partnered with the following donor agencies:
NOTE: A complete listing of projects completed and grants received from 1998-2010 can be found under the 2010 CH.I.E.F Organizational Profile.
- Primary Health Clinics (1998-2009)
- Lagos State/UNDP supported short- term integrated rural health development project in five LGAs of Lagos (2001-2002)
- Van-leer container PLC (2001) – Short- term workplace AIDS prevention project
- Lagos State AIDS Foundation (LSHAF) – Short-term AIDS campaign rallies and football matches under APIN and UNICEF supported programs (2001-2002)
- Family Health International (FHI) Nigeria/USAID (2001-2003) supported AIDS prevention project among out-of-school-youths. The project covered Ojo, Ajeromi-Ifelodun and Lagos-Mainland LGAs of Lagos State
- National AIDS Control Agency (NACA)/World Bank supported scale-up AIDS prevention project among disadvantaged women and out-of-school-youths, covers two neighboring states, Lagos and Ogun, Eti-Osa, Ibeju-Lekki and Sagamu. (2004-2005)
- Lagos-State AIDS Control Agency (LSACA)/World Bank supported scale -up project STI/HIV/AIDS prevention project among out-of-school-youth in five divisions (IBILE) of Lagos State (2005, One year program)
- Centre for Development of Population Activities (CEDPA/USAID) supported project on Safe-Motherhood (Birth and Emergency Obstetric Preparedness) (2005-2007)
- GHAIN/USAID supported scale-up project STI/HIV/AIDS prevention among out-of-school-youths in Ojo, Ajeromi-Ifelodun and Lagos-Mainland LGAs, Lagos State. (2004-2006)
- COMPASS/USAID supported Women’s Health Promotion project (October 2005-April 2006)
- COMPASS/USAID supported Male involvement in child-spacing project (May-December 2006)
- COMPASS/USAID supported Immunization and Exclusive Breast-Feeding project, 10 communities of Ibeju-Lekki LGA, Lagos State, (January 2007-May 2009)
- CHIEF OVC project in 12 communities of Ibeju-Lekki and Gbara community in Eti-Osa West LCDA (2008-on-going)
- COMPASS/CHIEF Malaria prevention project in 12 communities of Ibeju-Lekki LGA and Gbara community, Eti-Osa LCDA (2007-9)
- COMPASS/USAID supported OVC activity on stigma reduction among OVC adopting sesame street Kami and the big bird video (2009)
- ROTARY Club water borehole provision at Oke-Irakekere community, Eti-Osa East LCDA (2009)
- Y-CARE/USAID supported project on peer based abstinence and be faithful HIV prevention interventions among disadvantaged rural girls, women, and partners in 10 local communities of Ibeju-Lekki LGA (May-December 2009)
- Ministry of Women Affairs/HAF supported project on psycho-social support of OVC (on-going)
- American Cancer Society (ACS)/ORACLE supported project on awareness creation, early detection and treatment of breast and cervical cancer among disadvantaged rural women in 10communities of Ibeju-Lekki and Agbowa community of Ikosi-Ejinrin LCDA, Lagos State (July2009-February 2010)
- NIBUCCA/NACA/WORLD BANK supported project on work-place AIDS prevention project in 20 Small/Medium Scale Enterprise ( January 2010- on-going)
- LSACA/ World Bank Rapid Response project on Psycho-social support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) (March 15th -26th March 2010)
- Enhancing Nigeria Response to AIDS (ENR)UKaid AIDS prevention among Key Target Population; FOSSY,MOSSY, Sex and Transport Workers; Aiyetoro Quarters, Epe, LGA, Lagos Sate
- Partnership for Transforming Health Systems (PATHS)/UKaid, Lagos State Ministry of Health budget development
Since CHIEF establishment trained over 2,600 Peer Educators and reached more than 5,000,000 stakeholders